
Business scaling is a new stage in the life of a company!

At some point, gaining a decent share in the local market may lead to the need for scaling up to other markets. This process has the advantage of increasing workload, recognition, and overall capitalization.

However, entering a new market often involves various legal, financial, and business challenges. By identifying these key challenges, Circon's team helps businesses reach the level required for small or medium-sized enterprises.

Through market research, we examine the primary trends in business promotion with a focus on increasing capitalization and the demand for basic products and services in local markets.

How do we help? 

Our methods are distinctive. We have devised a special approach that enables us to identify the highest likelihood of a positive outcome. We cover all necessary areas to fully equip the company and ensure its proper functioning. In addition to providing legal and financial services, we give our clients a choice.

Market analysis

We analyze market trends and opportunities for development in line with the company's direction, including its proximity to its inception, the required resources and customer base. We also evaluate direct competitors in the market and compare the success of their models. We carefully match the company's product with its target audience and determine the group it can serve.

Taking a step back to gain two steps forward allows us to assess the situation and appreciate the value of our progress. We firmly believe in the importance of analysis and taking confident strides forward.

Technical solutions

It is important for both you and us. Circon's team approaches the work with detail and precision both internally and externally.

The use of both quantitative and qualitative research methods enables the company to develop a multimodal logical variant of the project's progression using available data.

Effective problem-solving skills and proper time management contribute to our ability to achieve desired outcomes.

Depending on the project, we can offer companies three options: 2 weeks, 5 weeks, and 10 weeks. This duration is optimal for both the work and preparation process, as well as for any necessary waiting period.


The Circular model of scaling

The Circular model operates in a manner that allows us to gather information and specifics about the company.

Then, during the stage of circularity, we analyze various factors such as the desired result, market analysis, expert opinions, risks and regulations, stability point, financial instruments, and organization optimization to determine the outcome.


Desired result 

It is crucial for us to comprehend the desired result you aim to achieve from the project. We have specific questions to clarify your goal.

Market analysis

The team performs market analysis to assess suitability, availability, and potential risks. This phase is critical in determining the market's ability to adopt the company's services.


To evaluate the market viability of a project or product, the team conducts a survey of relevant individuals and provides a qualitative assessment based on the survey results. This is important because it reveals consumer preferences for purchased products, their preferred place of purchase, and their attitude towards the brand and functionality.

Risks and regulations

Given the current challenging economic situation, global volatility, and disruptions caused by technological advancements, organizations are increasingly vulnerable to risks. Understanding how to mitigate and cope with risks is crucial for the project's success and legitimacy.

Stability point

When entering a new market, we analyze the stability point to determine the highest probability of a constant and steady sales flow.

Financial instruments

We also examine the feasibility of investing and the suitability of financial instruments for the project, which can be either public or private.

Optimization of the organization 

Proper organization is crucial for stable corporate operations. The team organizes balanced financial accounting, document flow, and other essential forms of work for optimized results.  

Contact our specialist for more information!